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Top Tips To Help You Take Control

January 25, 2018

To help, self-storage provider, Space Station, has spoken to a number of organisational super stars from a range of industries, to create some top tips to help you get organised in 2018.

1. Take time to plan your to do list

Whether you’ve got a mountain of work to get through at work, or a plethora of chores to carry out at home, a to do list will help structure your day and make it more productive. Nimish Brahmbhatt, a creative coach for entrepreneurs advises: “Having a non-negotiable 20 minutes at the start of the day to review your priorities is a key hack to becoming more productive.”

2. Focus on the big tasks first

It can be tempting to get the small items crossed off your to do list first, however they can often distract you from focussing on the tasks that really matter. Vlatka Lake, marketing manager at Space Station says: “With many people at their most productive in the morning, it’s best to get the bigger tasks on your to do list out the way first thing. This means you can then focus on the smaller jobs towards the end of the day safe in the knowledge you’ve had a productive day.”

3. Make the most of the calendar app on your phone

A calendar or diary app is the secret weapon of any well-organised person. By putting all your appointments and deadlines in your calendar, you’ll be sure to never miss anything. Adam Watson, head interior designer at and minimalist living advocate, says: “Putting important events in calendars means you won’t forget anything, and means there is no need to keep unnecessary paper work and clutter up your desk or home.”

4. Take inspiration from other areas of your life

Hypnotherapist, Dipti Tait, says: “Taking inspiration from other areas of your life can be a simple but effective way of becoming more organised. If you manage to be very organised at work but struggle to emulate this at home, copy the organisational methods you practice at work and you’ll see an improvement in your productivity at home.”

5. Find an organised role model

Dipti also advises that finding someone that inspires you to be more organised can be a great tactic. “A colleague, friend or family member could be a great role model for helping you become more organised. Use them for help and copy their organisational style.”

6. Deal with letters straight away

People receive a lot of unnecessary post these days, but if you just let it build up it can become a mess in your house. Adam Watson suggests a “one touch policy” – either finding a home for items or dispose of them. “If it’s something important, take a picture of it and save it on an app like Evernote, which will enable you to carry any important documents with you at all times. Otherwise it’s best off in the bin.”

7. Have a clear out of your home

Clutter is a clear sign that your home is unorganised, and for many there is no better feeling than getting rid of items you no longer need. Vlatka Lake, Marketing Manager at Space Station, says: “Getting rid of any items that you no longer use by donating them to charity, or placing items that you currently don’t need into storage is a great way to create more space in your home or office, without throwing out items you might need later.”

8. Trust other people

Eleanor Richardson, founder of The Angels Events, believes trusting people is key to staying organised. She says: “It’s impossible to do everything yourself, so placing your trust in professionals means you can remove tasks from your to do list and focus on the things you really need to.”

9. Get your wardrobe in order

Vicky Silverthorn, professional organiser at You Need a Vicky, and former celebrity PA, believes small changes to your organisational habits can help you save loads of time in the morning. She says: “An organised wardrobe is key to getting out the door quickly in the morning. If you put your washing away, put short sleeve items with other short sleeve items, long sleeve with long sleeve and skirts with skirts etc. Before long, your wardrobe will become more streamlined, making it easier and quicker for you to choose an outfit for work.”


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