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The Professions Driving Salary Growth

January 23, 2018

As a result, demand for professionals has remained steady, with employers having to increase salaries for specialists with highly sought skills.

The Robert Walters Salary Survey has revealed that risk, IT and procurement professionals will see the strongest salary growth in the nation's capital.

Chris Hickey, Robert Walters CEO – UK, Middle East and Africa, comments: “While it is clear that businesses will have to adapt to changing circumstances as Britain negotiates its exit from the EU, the prevailing attitude is one of measured optimism, with employers prepared to invest in securing top calibre professionals.”

High demand for risk professionals, driven by the need for banks and financial services firms to ensure compliance with changing legislation, has led to salaries for risk professionals to be set to increase by 6% in 2018.

Demand for procurement professionals has also increased as employers prepare to develop new supply chains once Britain develops new trading relationships outside the European Union.


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