Our Unique Approach

Finding people who stay, develop and add value to a team is our primary mission.

We do that through our 3 pillars of successful hiring approach.

Our 3 pillars of successful hiring is a unique hiring system because it focuses on more than just skill. Most employers hire on skill and fire on behaviour. They will always assess the skill and rarely assess the behaviour. This is why we put a lot of time and energy into candidate profiling. For this, we use a platform called Contribution Compass, which measures how individuals naturally contribute towards a team, what keeps them engaged and in flow and what knocks them out of flow. When we understand this as an employer, we can take steps to get people working smarter together and having a greater impact on each other, your customers and suppliers.

If a hire matches all 3 pillars of successful hiring, they will naturally slot into a role.

Our 3 pillars consist of:

1. Skills & ability

2. Natural energy

3. Values & culture

The men and women of our Armed Forces, both at home and abroad, shape our identities and inspire pride. Ex-Military personnel continue to be instrumental in driving Britain's success. Their influence extends across boardrooms, building sites, production lines, and every conceivable workplace. Their impact resonates in the growth of businesses like yours.

The image below shows Contribution Compass at work.

On the left-hand side is the Contribution Identifier results completed by the client. This is an online survey which gives us an accurate representation of the personality required from a high performer in the role. Very few behavioural platforms offer this service. It allows a more accurate and reliable measurement of the candidate.

This client in this case needed a Custodian profile – a natural completer / finisher, someone who gets things done.

The 3 candidates on the right are people we shortlisted against the role. It’s important to note that all 3 had a minimum of 10 years’ experience as an Operations Manager, so the skills & ability were all aligned. However, not all are suitable.

The candidate at the top would be suited to an Ops role where people were at the centre of the operation and it involved building relationships and working closely with the people (note the high inspiring energy and the much lower sustaining energy, contrary to what the role needs.)

The candidate on the right is a more balanced profile. Their superpower is their adaptability, so they would be suited to a role that was constantly changing; one moment creative problem solving, another running a spreadsheet, then task management followed by a team session.

The candidate at the bottom is what a good fit looks like. In this case the candidate’s inspiring energy is higher than the role needs but because it was managing a small team the tolerance is acceptable. We gave the client a couple of refining questions to ask the candidate at interview to make sure the refining energy was high enough.

This approach is not how recruitment agencies (or most employers) look at recruitment. They look at skill above everything else and tend to ignore the behaviour, culture and values fit. It is more likely that an employer will hire on skill and fire on behaviour so why not assess both at the outset and make hiring more predictable?

If you want to assess a role using the Contribution Identifier for FREE click the link below to do the survey and receive your FREE 11 page report.

Contribution Identifier Survey

You can also book a zoom call with Managing Director Graham Brown if you would like to discuss hiring a Veteran click

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