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Should You Consider Taking A Lower Wage?

March 14, 2018

Money won’t buy you happiness but it will buy you stability and comfort in your own home, knowing that you have the funds to afford the compulsory bills.

While there are short-term loans available in the event of a financial emergency, you may find that taking a higher wage could allow you the opportunity to build up a bigger budget to deal with these emergency situations. But, should you consider taking a lower wage?

Truthfully, money isn’t everything, and while you can argue that without it, you’d be without a home, it’s something that you shouldn’t revolve yourself and your decisions around. Taking a higher wage might make your bank account healthier, but is it really worth it if you’re arriving at work every day absolutely dreading the tasks ahead?

Really, it’s much more beneficial to take a lower wage if it means you’re going to be happy with your job and not scream when you wake up in the morning. With the right budgeting and preparation, a lower wage can go a long way, still allowing you to live a happy and fulfilled lifestyle.

Having said that, for some people a lower wage just simply isn’t enough. Sure, if you’ve recently left college and you haven’t got children to think about, then it’s definitely something worth considering, but for parents who have child care, mortgages and numerous other bills and taxes to think about, a lower wage isn’t enough.

While you need to consider your happiness within the job you choose, you’ll still need to ensure it has a wage sufficient enough to cover your frequent costs, and if that means you need to job hunt for a little longer, so be it.

Accepting a higher wage will usually guarantee you a more advanced, responsible job, making it worth the wait as more employers will want you in the future.


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