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Britain's Most Stressed Commuters

May 29, 2019

New research from regulated property buyer Good Move surveyed 2,000 UK workers and has revealed that the people of York and London are the most stressed commuters in the country. Over half of workers in these cities admit that their commutes harm their mental health.

But they’re not alone, with more than two in five working Brits feeling that their commute negatively impacts their stress levels. This rises to a staggering 73% among 25-34 year olds.

The top 10 UK cities with the most stressed commuters are:

1) York - 51%

= London - 51%

3) Aberdeen - 47%

= Glasgow - 47%

5) Birmingham - 45%

6) Nottingham - 44%

= Oxford - 44%

8) Cardiff - 42%

= Newcastle - 42%
= Leeds - 42%

“The roads around York are a nightmare, especially when travelling to and from work. The ring road is constantly at a standstill and the city centre streets aren’t even worth trying at rush hour - you barely move. You arrive into work already tired and annoyed, which can then set the tone for a stressful day.”

Some commuters, however, have it slightly easier, with the research also revealing the cities with the least stressful journeys to work. Bristolians are the most relaxed about their commutes, with just 29% feeling any impact on their mental health.

The 5 UK cities with the least stressed commuters are:

1) Bristol - 29%

2) Coventry - 31%

3) Edinburgh - 36%

4) Sheffield - 37%

5) Belfast - 38%

In collaboration with Good Move, Simon Alexander Ong, Life Coach and Business Strategist, has given his top five tips on how to deal with the stress of commuting:

1) If driving, sing along to your favourite tunes! Singing has been proven to lower stress and be a natural antidepressant.

2) Get sufficient sleep. Having little sleep and being low on energy can easily make the commute more stressful.

3) Use the commute time to plan ahead or reflect on your day. Self-reflection can bring a sense of calmness and joy.

4) Unplug from your devices. Integrate walking as part of your journey to/from work, being mindful of and present to your surroundings.

5) If using public transport, close your eyes, focus on your breathing and begin to visualise your day unfolding on your way to work. Reflect on how you will know that it has been a productive day - when we are clear on our priorities, we are more decisive and productive.

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