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Another Property Franchise Case Study Success

December 1, 2022

They have partnered with Forces Recruitment to bring more military personnel into their franchise.

I interviewed Alexa Harrison, who joined the franchise after 20 years working for a single employer. She held a variety of roles in that time - Project management, logistics, production, sales and customer service, which prepared her well for life as a Pass the Keys partner. She felt something was missing and is convinced that something was missing and started to look at other jobs before the franchise opportunity popped up. With her children now grown up, it was the right time for her.

“I didn’t just jump straight in; you must do your research and do your due diligence, I had been watching Pass the Keys for a while. They are a growing company and after engaging in conversation with them I understood why and realised that if I didn’t take the opportunity in my local region somebody else would”.

She said that other franchises were very transactional, all about the financial package and pushy on the sales side. With Pass the Keys they take you on a journey and make sure you are the right fit for them, they are careful to make sure you have the same ethos as them. This is an interesting point when selecting a franchise and something to take note of.

The training is excellent and they won’t let you launch until you have everything in place. Pass the Keys does national marketing to promote the brand, which supports all the partners.

She said the IT systems are so clever that she’s able to do 5 times the work and therefore earn 5 times what she could do without the support of the Franchisor.

Her advice to people considering the franchise?

“Do your research, is it the right fit for you? You will be interfacing with customers, so you must be happy to do that. Do your due diligence and compare to other franchises. Ultimately you must be prepared to put your heart and soul into it so you must be sure it interests and feels right for you”.

✅ An Award-winning franchise

✅ A 4.9 rating on Trustpilot

✅ BFA Members

Available territories across the UK

Automated systems to set you up for success

No previous experience in property needed

Average partner take home earnings in year 3 £179k

If you’re interested in building a business in property, schedule a discover call now by emailing me at


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